Tugboat Operators Celebrate as They Move the Suez Canal Ship
Yesterday, after people moved 20,000 tons of sand trapping the Ever Given ship that's been stuck in the Suez canal since last week, workers were finally able to rotate the ship about 30°, which is apparently important progress toward eventually unsticking it completely.
Be sure to check back in when it moves one more degree.
Be sure to check back in when it moves one more degree.
THE SHIP MOVED!! Although just 17 metres but this is good indication. The tugboats are all sounding their foghorns in jubilation. #SuezBLOCKED #suezcanel #Suez #Evergreenship #Evergiven pic.twitter.com/YGuJaQv4mQ
— Guy With The Digger At Suez Canal (@SuezDiggerGuy) March 27, 2021